2024 South Australia & Kangaroo Island Road Trip – Day 6 – Part 2

Day 6 Part one covered sunrise at Remarkable Rocks, Vivonne and Hanson Bay, but I left the Raptor Domain for a birds of prey show for it’s own blog post, as I took so many photos.

I got to hold a tawny frog mouth called Moppet and a masked owl called Matilda. We also saw barn owls (who sat on our knee) and black cockatoos, sea eagles and wedgetails. Not quite as good as the private experience we had last time, but still fantastic. $30 for general admission and $20 to hold an owl, but sadly only for a minute. A bit silly really as I held the tawny and another owl during the show for free. I guess I got lucky as in a larger group I may not have been able to. The private experience was nearly $500 for 2 of us, so a little bit expensive.

Here ends day 6….stay tuned for Day 7.